Monday, October 30, 2006

Whisper of Rope

by f-cynyr ©

My sweet selkie,
the whisper of rope
fills your eyes,
as the wrists and ankles
of your passion
long to be bound.

The answer of rope
pulls you in and
you slither and twist
till I capture your
burning submission.

Your need, so long
till I tethered you.
Now the desire of bondage
flutters your heart and
throbs your moist flames.

Now you hum and sing
the kiss of cords and cuffs,
rejoicing in the submission
of collar and leash.

Your wrists weep their need
and wail for restraint,
your chest flutters and heaves
for leather.

Your hips plead to be
wrapped in rope,
crave the liberation
of binding.

Through rope and
cuffs, you finally found
a release from your
prison of longing.

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